Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Snow Day

One of the advantages of being a student is that a snow day is not a source of irritation, as when you are, say, a working parent, but cause for irrepressible joy!

Yes, a day off school makes me feel about 15 yrs old! How good is that?!

Plus, I get to blog, because I have been diligent and spent some of my free time studying already today.

Unfortunately for you readers, my knitting news are not exciting at all, as they revolve entirely on unraveling my mistakes. Just a word of warning: when you happen to notice something like this

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where a side appears a couple of inches longer than the other, just listen to this friendly advice: do not glibly dismiss your observation, and proceed to sew the cardi together, pick up stitches for the collar, knit it then pick up and knit an attached I-cord all along the side. Because it will not work: the side will not somehow shrink to the same size as the other. And it will prove impossible to force a zipper to make them match. Really, it will not work at all.

And unraveling an attached I-cord is making me grinding my teeth, since it takes about 7 times longer than knitting it. If I had known this in advance, trust me, this lovely cardi would have long perished in the frog pond. But I am a student, and I welcome learning experiences, sometimes.....

I'll leave you with Maddalena learning to skate on the promenade at sunset, in my hometown Livorno in Italy, barely a week ago.

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Happy New Year to all!