Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Service resumed

Hello everybody,
I know you are well used to sporadic blogging here, so I will make no more apologies.

Just thought to resume contact and give you a brief update.

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Since last post, in June, we had a wonderful family vacation in South Africa, touring their spectacular national parks, and establishing close contact with an wide variety of charismatic African animals. Unfortunately my camera was lost in transit, so I could not take any photos, but my husband has taken many hundreds, I just have posted some for your viewing pleasure.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

South Africa is a land of extreme contrasts also on a socio-political landscape, of which I know nothing, but could not help notice, because of the continuous alternating between luxury (and then some) homes and cars, and bidonvilles without even the benefit of bicycles. Pretty disturbing to my untrained eyes.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

After South Africa, the rest of July was spent packing, moving and unpacking. Not fun, but it had to be done. We sold our house in Plymouth and changed apartment in WestB., two streets away from the previous apartment. It was a lot of work, and a lot of time spent figuring out what to keep, what to toss, what to store and what to donate. I'll spare you the details, but all throughout the process, I caught myself thinking how come I have never seen publicly blogged the comment: "If you see me buy another ball of yarn or teacup or book, just shoot me"; because, you know, that was a pretty spontaneous refrain in my head. It's not like there has not been a number of dramatic moves in the last 3 months or so around Boston blogland, is it? Must be something wrong with me*.

And now we are trying to enjoy the last week before my school restarts. I am concentrating on China Cloud, I have one sleeve left. As much as I love it, and love see the pattern emerging, it is taking a serious effort not to pick up something easier. Since I am still camera-less, no photos sorry. And today I am washing one of my very dirty fleeces. I figure I can do this myself, (washing being one of the few chores I do not mind), before sending them for processing. That will alleviate the slight storage problem we are experiencing right now.. ahem.

And it is fun! especially when your landlady walks in and catches you elbow deep in murky brown water at the newly installed kitchen sink.......

*Believe or not, not one single ball of yarn was lost to the move. That was a power struggle and a half, let me tell you, maybe another time.


Blogger maryse said...

hey welcome back! so SA was pretty awesome? those animal pictures are amazing.

4:42 PM  
Blogger KK2 said...

bienvenutti carissima :)
mi sembra come hai avuto de vacanze incredibile!
parliamo subito- forze incontratti in Boston sta automno!!!

6:09 PM  
Blogger melanie said...

Hi Ben!!!

Congrats on selling your house! I can't see these pictures from work, I'll have to stop back by and check it out from home. Miss you!

8:02 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your holiday sounds fantastic - your house move ? Not so fantastic. I'd have tossed the tea-cups before the yarn too ;0)

4:29 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your trip sounds amazing; I have a coworker who also recently visited SA and it sounds so interesting.

As for the moving "I'm never buying another ______" -- I say it all the time and eventually, give up and settle back into buying _______ -- then curse myself again later.

4:07 PM  
Blogger Melanya said...

I took a little more time to read your blog today. I am having a hard time imagining how wonderful it must have been to live in Tuscany! I read Marlena de Blasi's book "A Thousand Days In Tuscany" and loved it. I suppose I'm too realistic to believe it could be such a peacefully slow paced place, but I can dream, and dream I do! Please tell me it's as wonderful as it sounds!

5:32 PM  

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